Here at Nurture in Nature we are an Ofsted registered setting (URN2597748) set in 4 acres of beautiful meadow and woodlands and has many offerings. These include a Preschool, a Home Ed group for home educated or flexi schooled children and a toddler group where parents can stay with their little ones.





Our preschool takes children from age 3 – 5 years inclusive and is open from 9.00 – 3.00pm Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. Children can attend as little as a 3 hour session a week, up to 18 hours a week.
During their time with us children learn, develop and thrive whilst following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), all with in a beautiful 3 acre site comprising of both meadow and woodland.
Learning in an Outdoor Forest School environment is a very special experience and one that certainly helps promote 4 key skills that your child will need in tomorrow’s world.


  • Problem Solving
  • Creative Thinking
  • Risk Taking
  • Self-Confidence


    Our PreSchool Sessions are designed for your child to develop:


  • Independence
  • Self Awareness
  • Self Regulation
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  • Self Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Good Social and communication Skills
  • A Positive Mental Attitude
  • Self Esteem
  • Confidence


    We enjoy sharing our skills and experiences with each other, and at times during the day we join with the Home Ed group to work alongside them as well, allowing us to broaden our experiences further. Everyone involved is both a teacher and a learner and we all help each other to achieve our goals as well as having a great deal of fun in the process. 



    As well as enhancing every area of the EYFS which is the basis for all our learning, Forest School supplies many other bush craft related activities including…



  • Wood Carving
  • Pencil Making
  • Shelter Building
  • Open fire cooking
  • Fire Building
  • Studies of habitats
  • Plant & animal identification
  • Rope tying
  • Sculpture making

  • We accept the Early Years 15 and 30 hour funding, and if using this the sessions are completely free of charge to the parents.
    Children are expected to attend wearing appropriate clothing (details of which will be given on registration), bringing with them a packed lunch and drink for the day.

































    On a Thursday morning we run a parent/carer toddler group. This takes place on site from 9.30-11.00am.
    Activities at the group include sensory play, natural paints, water play and lots of mud!!  Tea and coffee available for parents/carers.
    The cost of this group of £6 per child and £2 per sibling and children must book in advance to attend, via email or Facebook message.



    TERM DATES 2024/2025

    Autumn Term
    5th September – Friday 25th
    HALF TERM – 28th October – 1st November (inclusive)
    Wednesday 6th November – Friday 13th December

    Spring Term 2025
    Wednesday 15th January – Friday 14th February
    HALF TERM  17th – 21st February (inclusive)
    Wednesday 26th February – Friday 4th April

    Summer Term 2025
    Wednesday 23rd April – Friday 23rd May
    HALF TERM  26th May – 30 May (inclusive)
    Wednesday 4th June – Friday 18th July





























    We are open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.00am – 3.30pm for Home Educated and Flexi-Schooled children between the ages of 5 and 11 years. Children can attend for as little as a morning session a week, to attending 2 full days per week. Sessions are booked by a half term block.



    These sessions run on the same site as our preschool and the children mix together at times during the day, or separate out, depending on the activities they chose to do during their time with us.


    We offer opportunities for children to gain new skills through direct hands on experiences and we aim to provide these through invitations to discover and learn about things like-


    **Outdoor clues and signs, including climate, seasons and weather 

    **Sustainability and the 5 R’s: refuse, reduce, re-use, re-purpose, recycle 

    **Bush craft: fire skills, knot tying, basic camp structures, carving tools, foraging 

    **Growing, preparing and cooking food Life skills developed during the sessions- 

    **Friendship, kindness, sharing and co-operation 

    **Taking personal responsibility – keeping healthy, well and safe, evaluating and managing risk

    **Imagination and creativity.

    All our activities are child led – so although we have activities planned for the children, if their interests follow a different path….. so do we !


    Children attending are required to wear appropriate clothing for the weather on the day, bringing plenty of spares with them, and although most sessions include a cooking activity at some point, children are required to bring a packed lunch and snacks/drinks for the day with them.



    Session times and prices:
    All sessions are booked by the half term block and the prices are as follows:

    9am-12noon £23 per day per week

    9am – 1pm £28 per day per week

    9am – 3.30pm £38 per day per week or if attending both days £70 per week